2021: PUPIL
a pressure ulcer prevention intelligent layer
PUPIL, or Pressure Ulcer Prevention Intelligence Layer, is a pressure sensitive mattress topper that uses air pocket deflation and inflation to relieve bed sore prone skin areas from excessive and prolonged compression. The configuration of the air pockets concentrates more pockets in bedsore-prone areas, allowing the device to counteract bed sores more efficiently in regions of the body that are most susceptible, such as the cephalic, shoulder, pelvic and ankle areas. The sensory ability of the device and targeted adjustment of the air pockets by our algorithm greatly reduces the need for manual human input or the use of other bedsore-preventative measures like manual rotation. As an added benefit, the pressure data could also provide healthcare providers with information about unexpected changes in patient weight, sleeping posture and pressure distributions. The device can be calibrated to fit any baseline weight and is designed to accommodate the majority of body types.